Friday, June 22, 2012

I apologize for being away!

Gosh! Most all of the spring and the beginning of summer has come and gone! During that period of time, DanO’s Garden has languished with no new blogs to instill any life, and yet…

I’ve noticed that every day and most every hour, someone out there visits this poor site and so that gives me pause to think and to write a bit more.

Have I lost my love for freshly turned earth, with seeds of hope planted in earth with the expectation of rewards to be gained? Hell no! I turned the soil and I planted them there seeds and by golly, I am harvesting as I write!

Only, the harvest so far, has been less than I’d of hoped for. Perhaps it’s been due to the drought my area has found itself in, or maybe it’s been due to a noticeable lack of desire on the part of the gardener! I’m not sure. Maybe it’s been a little of both that has resulted in less the hoped for results…

I’ll make an admission here. I’m a gardener and I’m also politically aware. And, I’m totally depressed with the way things have been going in Washington as of late. That depression has manifested itself in the manner in which I sow and in which I reap. For sour is the result so far this year and rancid is my feeling for the future of this country.

Catch me at Gardening for the Casual Survivor for more!