Thursday, December 30, 2010

Moringa seedlings now growing!

It was exactly twelve days since I soaked a pair of Moringa seeds that had arrived direct from India and I was about to give up. Then, like magic, an early morning inspection of both peat pots revealed two new plants!

Now in the meantime, five days ago, I planted another seed in a much larger plastic pot that had a high mix of sand to soil. I’m hoping this one will also yield a new seedling.

For anyone who is not familiar with the Moringa tree which is also known as the drumstick tree in India and parts of Africa, it does have some interesting properties. Not the least of which is the very high nutritional content of the leaves and seed pods.

So, so far so good. I’ll try and post follow up blogs as times goes along.

1 comment:

Natural Ease said...

Moringa tree can grow in California also. I see some Moringa trees in temple.

I buy fresh Moringa leaves from Ranch market to cook soup. It is really nutritious.