Monday, January 10, 2011

Moringa plants: Day 11

I now have three seedlings growing; two that came up on Dec 30th and one that was planted later and came up on the fifth.

Of the two earlier plants, one is healthy and one is so-so. The healthy one is currently six inches high and has nicely formed leaves. The other one is lagging behind and as you can see has more poorly formed foliage. I’m not sure why one is some much better than the other as they were planted in the same soil and exposed to the same amount of heat and light. My thinking is it may just be a question as to the vigor of the original seed. The youngest plant is still too small to tell how it will turn out.

All three are receiving about fourteen hours of light generated by two florescent tubes in my kitchen. From time to time, they also get a couple of hours of bright light from a 250 watt sodium discharge bulb.

The one plant that is doing so well has also been transplanted to a larger clay pot. When this was done on January the 9th, I removed about half of the peat pot to allow the roots a little more room to grow.

I’ll try and do another update toward the end of January on this most interesting of trees.

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