Friday, February 24, 2012

My personal plug for onions!

I’m a firm believer in growing onions and here’s why. Of all the other vegetables I work with during the regular growing season, the onion ‘set’ has them beat in a couple of ways! First, you can buy them cheaply at the store in a form that is already a growing plant! Second, once they are plopped into the ground they require very little in the way of maintenance. (I’ve harvested onions from one section of my garden that was overgrown with weeds and which received little additional water other than what fell from the sky one year and they were great)! I even did a video some years ago, ‘Onions are easy to grow’ that I think captures some of my enthusiasm for this most wonderful veggie.

1 comment:

Karen said...

I have been growing onions for the past two years. They are great and easy to grow. This year I am trying leeks.