Friday, October 1, 2010

The leaves, they are a falling!

It’s already October the 1st, can you believe it? The weather service is even talking about the likelihood of frost across the northern parts of Missouri by the morning of Monday, October the 4th.

I got up this morning to the reality that the leaves have begun to fall off some of the trees. Always a sad time for me as it means winter is next on the agenda. I’m much more a spring personality type. That’s the time of year when nature re-awakens and puts on a burst of new growth. This time of year is more about the ending of growing things as we all get ready for a cold chill in both the air and ground.

Cold weather also means longer nights, shorter days and a severe restriction on my garden activities. Thank goodness I have the two small cold frames in the front of my house. They will become a focus for me and a continuing spark of life while everything else slumbers. As you can see, the romaine lettuce starts which don’t look like very much right now are actually growing rather quickly. Interspersed among them are Cherry Bell radishes that should be ready for harvest by the end of October.

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