Monday, October 17, 2011

Better late than never!

Like most men, I have a tendency to put things off until the very last minute. That goes double for my garden which has basically sat neglected for much of the fall. Now, just two days before a major cold wave that is sure to kill all my basil plants, I’m under the gun to get as much dried or frozen as possible.

For this job, I got out my trusty dehydrator, cleaned it up and then cut up a bunch of basil to go into the multiple tray thing-a-ma-jigs. I set the unit for 125F and will let ‘er run until late in the evening. On Monday, I hope to get another batch processed although I may end up chopping and freezing them in my deep freeze. Either way, I will be just a step ahead of a killing cold that is expected to drop into the low thirties by Wednesday. One advantage to drying basil inside is the wonderful aroma that fills a kitchen when the dehydrator is running.

Added to my list of chores will be moving all my plants that currently reside on the front porch inside. If I can get those two things done, I’ll count myself lucky and then go out and sit on the porch while it’s still warm!

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