Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall weather is a perfect lettuce growing time!

As most people know, lettuce likes cool weather. And, while most gardeners plant their lettuce crops in early spring, it’s actually even better if they think to include these in the fall months as well!

If you think about it, the fall provides plenty of warm weather early on to get seedlings up and growing, while providing cool and damp conditions later on. The lack of insects later in the season also helps the plants to reach their fullest potential. Most forms of lettuce, especially the romaine’s are not affected even when the temperatures dip below the freezing point. That makes them perfect for growing in cold frames where a harvest can be extended even into the winter months here in southwest Missouri! I also like to plant a few radish seeds as they mature fast enough to harvest before the real cold sets in!


Anonymous said...

I think the fall is the best time for radishes, lettuce and carrots. Let us know how everything is doing. I have a cold frame myself. Any chance you could put your temperatures on the web?

Dan Owen said...

Thanks for the comment. Yes, I'll see what I come up with!