Sunday, December 25, 2011

My lost and re-found amaryllis!

Last year about this time, my sister had bought an amaryllis which produced three beautiful white blooms. After these had gone by in January, I transferred the bulb to a spot in the garden and basically forgot about it.

As the summer wore on, I did notice that the plant had put up some beautiful green leaves. Then, I forgot about it again until it was late fall and I was doing some cleanup in the back yard. That’s when I decided to dig it up, place in a paper bag and tossed it into the lower part of my refrigerator. Then, you guessed it, I forgot about it yet again.

Only now, on Christmas Day did it come to mind. Sure enough, there it was right where I had left it; in the back of the vegetable bin. I rescued it this morning and low and behold, it looked to be in pretty good shape! So, I figured what the heck and have re-planted this Christmas bulb back into a pot to see what happens.

If this bulb produces anything at all, I’m sure it will be sometime in February or even later. But, what the heck, if it does I’ll enjoy it just as much!

Update: This bulb never made it. I threw it out on January the 14th.
Update: Actually, as I was preparing to dump it on the 15th - lo and behold.... a bit of green!

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