Friday, June 10, 2011

Let’s see. I know it’s a squash. Isn’t it?

This season, due to a mix of sloppy record keeping, inattention and a touch of senility I seem to have quite a few ‘mystery plants’ here and there in my backyard beds. This lack of detail is a recent development for me. I used to be oh so picture perfect when it came to what went where. I even used to put those cute little plastic markers next to each perfectly aligned row. Using a magic marker, I would painstakingly write out the name of the vegetable and its variety. That way, when harvest time rolled around, I knew exactly what was what.

These days my methods are, shall we say, a little more loosey goosey. This spring, seed packet in hand, I would often sow the seed and then look around for a small twig or stick to mark the row thinking I would remember what went where. I called it my ‘stick it and forget it’ method of planting. Problem is, now I have no idea of what the heck is what. Take my squash plants for instance. I have this nice little guy now growing rather quickly and can only guess that it’s a crook-necked squash.

So, that’s the deal for 2011. I don’t mind all that much. I’m always thankful for anything that comes from nature and God.

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