Thursday, July 14, 2011

Squash or Zucchini Anyone?

It’s now late in the game and the score is Bugs – 2, Me –Zip. Both my crooked neck squash and zucchini plants succumbed to a terrifying backyard press by legions of squash bugs and striped cucumber beetles.  (Adding insult to injury, the beetles were carrying bacterial wilt).

Yet, not all is lost!  Unknown to my foes, I’ve got two more plants hidden away in the front of my place. So far, they have escaped the notice of both bugs and beetles. I just have to wonder for how long that will continue?

In a year that has already seen torrential rains, hordes of cicadas, Japanese beetles and, most recently, hundred degree plus days, is it too much for me to ask for a couple of healthy fruit?

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