Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring is Here!

It’s now 5 days into the spring of 2008 and you can tell that Mother Nature is beginning to wake up from her winters nap. I’ve noticed that the Bradford pear trees and Forsythia bushes are in bloom with their distinctive white and yellow blooms. Also, the daffodils are making their appearance around the neighborhood. I mention these because, more than anything else, this tells me to get busy in the garden. In addition to all the blooming going on, it is also great to report that the temperatures seem to be now moderating into more tolerable levels. I took a moment during my lunch break to put a tray of Little Caesar Romaine plants out into one of the raised beds. They are still tiny and look defenseless but with some conscientious watering on my part they should do OK. Yes, they have been hardened off over the last week and will be able to withstand the still cold nights we are getting. I hope. Right next to these are a few early broccoli plants I purchased at a local nursery. They have been in place for about a week now, as transplants, and look raring to go. Likewise, my five or so head lettuce starts are perking right along. These guys represent my early test plantings and if they can tolerate the climate for the next week to come, I will be ready to begin planting in earnest.

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