Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Snow of the Season – Be Prepared

OK – so I’m exaggerating a little. When I got up this morning there were only a few flakes coming down and its too warm for them to stick. The effect, however, is enough to get me to thinking about the sort of winter we will have this year. The weather service is using the catch all word ‘variable’ to describe what we can expect. Sounds like a copout to me. Why can’t they just say, ‘We have no clue?’

Whatever the outcome, it’s a good idea to make sure your vehicle(s) are well stocked and prepared for inclement weather. As a matter of course, make sure to check your tires and battery before the advent of really cold temps. These are the two most often experienced problems that motorists have this time of year. Also, if you live in a rural area, make sure to put together a little survival kit in case you get stuck somewhere far from home. Key items would be a fully charged cell phone, candles to help keep warm, food, a good thermal blanket, a whistle and flares. This stuff is a pain to cart around, but if you’ve ever gotten stuck far from home on a dark night as I have, it can really save your bacon.

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