Sunday, July 11, 2010

The cost of vegetables in Forsyth Missouri

One of the benefits of growing your own vegetables are the savings realized when you don’t have to spend money for them at the local grocery store. This works especially well in the summer months and less so at other times of the year unless you maintain a cold frame or have the ability (foresight) to can or freeze some of the harvest for later use.

Back in March of this year, I thought it might be interesting to track the costs of some of the veggies I also like to grow at home. It was a real kick to know this early spring that while romaine lettuce was going for a buck and a half a pound, I was helping myself to the home grown variety raised in cold frames. The vegetables I decided to track were: broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, iceberg lettuce, romaine, bell peppers and russet potatoes. All these are items that have been grown in my modest raised beds at home. Following is the record as of this date:

Right now (mid July), most of my lettuce has bolted but that is of no real concern as I have a good ongoing harvest of carrots, tomatoes, peppers, onions and cucumbers to grace my salad bowl with. One concern I have is that now, as harvests are coming in from all over the country, the commercial prices have not really declined. This does not perhaps bode well for what might happen in the fall. Well, stay tuned.

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